

Восстановление пароля

  • Андрею Костину насудили зачистку. РКН заблокировал около 1000 интернет-публикаций о главе ВТБ и его отношениях с журналисткой ВГТРК Аскер-заде 07/04/2019

    Сервис блогов «Яндекс.Дзен» удалил опубликованное 2 апреля расследование проекта Baza об апартаментах, которыми сначала владел ВТБ, а потом журналист ВГТРК Наиля Аскер-заде. Об удалении материала Baza сообщила в своем Telegram-канале, текст расследования доступен на сайте проекта. «Дзен» получил жалобу на материал, поскольку тот содержит оскорбление или клевету, объяснил представитель сервиса, но не ответил на вопрос, от кого получена жалоба. Также «Дзен» получил уведомление Роскомнадзора, который указал, что материал Baza содержит информацию, распространение которой в России запрещено. Служба сослалась на решение Арбитражного суда Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области по иску ВТБ о защите деловой репутации, вынесенное в ноябре 2018 г. Это решение касалось публикаций, в большинстве из которых были упомянуты ВТБ, президент банка Андрей Костин и Наиля Аскер-заде. Если бы «Дзен» не удалил статью Baza, страница с этой публикацией была бы заблокирована.

  • Protests without borders: eternity smells oil, while Ingush opposition intends to continue rallies 04/04/2019

    In late March, a series of protest rallies were held in the Republic of Ingushetia resulting in civil disturbances. After a clash between the protesters and law enforcement officers in Magas, the Investigations Directorate in the North Caucasus Federal District of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICR) has instituted a criminal case. Dmitry Kava, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ingushetia, has resigned; 19 operatives of the detached patrol and guard service battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for the Republic of Ingushetia were dismissed. Despite the seeming stabilization in the region, disturbances continue, while the law enforcement structures carry out operative and investigative actions in the framework of criminal cases instituted against the leaders and participants of the mass riots. The formal reason behind the protests is a territorial dispute: in September 2018, an agreement delineating the administrative border between Chechnya and Ingushetia and having oil-related implications was signed. The CrimeRussia was figuring out what is going on in the republic, who is rocking the situation, and how serious could be the consequences of the ‘Ingush spring’.

  • “Shady real estate schemes and no corruption at all” 04/04/2019

    Kursk officials pulled off a fraud scheme with dilapidated housing. The demolition of unsafe buildings and subsequent sale of the lands could significantly contribute to the city budget – but this did not happen. Some local civil servants became suspects in the criminal case – but ultimately walked away with a slap on the wrist under weird circumstances resembling corruption. Just recently, it became known that Kursk Mayor Nikolai Ovcharov has resigned.

  • Deputy head of Belgorod tax department suspected of taking $46 thousand worth of bribe 04/04/2019

    Two criminal cases were filed against the official.

    Two cases were initiated against the Deputy Head of the Department of Field Tax Audits of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of Russia for Belgorod, the employee of the department is suspected of corruption, reads the website of the ICR.

  • Prosecutor General\'s Office asks to seize Renaissance style palaces from arrested ex-Mary El head 04/04/2019

    The facades of the buildings were painted personally by Leonid Markelov.

    The Prosecutor General's Office asks the court to seize property worth more than 1.5 billion rubles ($22.9 million), including two Renaissance buildings in the center of Yoshkar-Ola, from ex-Head of Mary El, Leonid Markelov, who is arrested on charges of Bribe-Taking, Abuse of Official Powers, and Illegal Sale of Ammunition. This is reported by RBC. The facades of the buildings were painted personally by Markelov.


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