Bashkortostan ex-deputy prosecutor charged with another bribe-taking count
Oleg Gorbunov
Another criminal case was initiated against the former security official.
The investigation revealed another count of receiving a bribe by the former First Deputy Prosecutor of Bashkortostan, Oleg Gorbunov, who is now accused of receiving two bribes on an especially large scale (part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This is written on the website of the regional central office of the ICR.
In exchange for the bribes received, the ex-security official facilitated the relief of several defendants from criminal responsibility.
In particular, the investigation established that Gorbunov got 3 million rubles ($45.4 thousand) from one of the defendants, in connection with which a criminal case was initiated against the former Deputy Prosecutor.
The ICR reminded that in addition to Gorbunov, 8 more defendants are named in the case, including former Deputy Head of the republic’s prosecutor’s office Artur Sharetdinov and ex-prosecutor of Sovetsky district of Ufa Ramil Garifullin.
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