Head of Dorogomilovo district arrested in case related to swindling on especially large scale in Moscow
Aleksey Chepikov
The official started feeling bad following a visit by security officials, and he was taken by ambulance.
On February 21, head of Moscow’s Dorogomilovo district Aleksey Chepikov was detained by police officers in a case related to swindling on an especially large scale. On February 26, Chepikov was arrested till April 18, 2019. This was reported to RBC by Moscow’s Khoroshevsky court.
RBC reports Chepikov wrote a letter of resignation after security officials visited his office. After that, he was dismissed by an order of Moscow’s head Sergey Sobyanin and fired from State civil service.
Soon after, the official was taken to the Moscow city hospital #1 due to the fact that he had recently received a surgery and he started feeling bad.
It became known today that the Criminal Investigation Department of DMIA in Moscow’s North-West Administrative District is investigating a criminal case against Chepikov related to swindling on an especially large scale (item 4 of article 159 of Russia’s Criminal Code). The lawyer of the accused confirmed RBC the investigation into Chepikov, however declined to disclose the case’s details and comment upon the matter.
Another RBC source close to the district’s authorities says Aleksey Chepikov is now in the hospital under esсort of police officers.
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