Aleksander Druz sets off for the US against background of scandal
Aleksander Druz
Druz is presenting his children’s book Enya, Thomas and others in the U.S. Organizers noted the trip had been scheduled long before the scandal.
The What?Where?When? TV-show’s guru Aleksander Druz is going to set off for the U.S. for the presentation of his book Enya, Thomas and others after the scandal involving an attempt of bribery of the chief editor of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Ilya Ber.
Inna Druz - in response to the followers’ questions - stated “nothing special is going on.” “Slanderers and enviers always existed,” the woman wrote.
The organizers of the presentation noted the trip had been scheduled long before the scandal involving Ilya Ber, reports Moskovsky komsomolets. “You can’t just take these things and cancel them,” the newspaper’s source emphasized. The entry ticket will cost about $5, and the book with the author’s autograph - $20.
Besides the presentation, Druz is going to teach a master class dedicated to child-rearing practices. The organizers report it is about “four cornerstone values and directives that define the system of child-rearing in our families.”
The scandal involving Druz and the chief editor of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Ilya Ber took place in early February. Ber stated the What?Where?When? guru had tried to get to learn the questions of the TV-game before its start and promised to share the prize with him. Druz confirmed they had the alike conversation, but stated it was Ber who had offered him the bargain, and he had just “played nice.”
Druz and Ber were terminated from Channel One TV-shows following the scandal. Channel Onecalled the actions of both “unethical and inadmissible” and accused them of blackening the reputation of What?Where?When? and the TV-channel on the whole.
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