MIA colonel busted on large bribe gets released from custody
Vadim Bogomolov
Vadim Bogomolov’s defense was able to appeal his arrest.
In Saratov, the regional court granted the motion filed by the defense of ex-Head of the MIA Main Directorate Maintenance and Service Supply, Colonel Vadim Bogomolov, and released him from a pre-trial detention center. This is reported by Versiya-Saratov.
It was previously reported that Bogomolov came under investigation on suspicion of Bribe-Taking on an Especially Large Scale (part 6 of Art. 290 of the Russian Criminal Code).
The investigation found out that in the period from October 2006 to March 2018, the colonel received a bribe of 4 million rubles ($62,280) from the founder of a freight company. In exchange, he promised to provide protection to the entrepreneur. In August 2018, FSB officers detained Bogomolov and placed him under arrest. In September, investigators filed an indictment to the former police officer. He spent more than half a year in a pre-trial detention center.
Bogomolov’s lawyer is now seeking his release from the pre-trial detention center. The court elected prohibition of certain actions instead of imprisonment.
According to the lawyer, there are two applicants in the case, who are co-founders of the same enterprise. At the same time, his client does not deny that he had a friendly relationship with one of them.
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