Employees of Ministry of Emergency Situations fired for receiving $21 thousand ‘kick backs’ in Yugra
The Prosecution Service theory is that employees of a department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Yugra demanded ‘kick backs’ from inmates and performing of contracts with organizations within fire safety from a local entrepreneur. They threatened him with inspections.
Employees of supervisory and prophylactic work of the central board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Kogalym (located in Ministry of Emergency Situations) have been fired for corruption, reports the media office of the Prosecution Service in Yugra.
The Prosecution Service theory is that in 2016 and 2017, head of the department and his assistant used their powers related to organizations of planned inspections and unscheduled check-out of fire safety and demanded a share of inmates and performing of contracts with organizations within fire safety from a director of OOO KSB Alternativa. As a result, the representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations received 1.4 million rubles ($21 thousand) from the entrepreneur.
It was also found out during the investigation that the officials dealt with entrepreneurship activities at the same time and received at least 700 thousand rubles ($10.7 thousand) each.
As a result, the head of the department and his assistant were fired due to loss of trust.
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