Deputy head of North Ossetia MIA UEBiPK arrested for bribe
The FSB closed off a street in Vladikavkaz to detain Colonel Kozonov on February 21.
In Vladikavkaz, Police Colonel Albert Kozonov, deputy head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Republic’s MIA, who was detained on February 21, has been taken in custody upon request of investigative bodies. This is reported by the regional ICR Investigations Directorate's press service.
As it was previously reported, Albert Kozonov is suspected of Bribe-Taking on an Especially Large Scale (part 6 of Art. 290 of the Russian Criminal Code). An indictment under Bribe-Taking on an Especially Large Scale will be soon filed against the suspect.
According to the case file, on February 14, 2019, the suspect met with the head of one of the Republic’s rural settlements and demanded $100,000 for not bringing him to criminal responsibility according to the results of a police check.
The rural settlement head, who does not plead guilty, has turned with a statement to the FSB Directorate for Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.
A week later, when transferring a bribe in the amount of 6.7 million rubles (equivalent to 100 thousand dollars), the suspect was detained red-handed by employees of the regional FSB Directorate and the MIA Internal Security Department. It was reported that an entire street in Vladikavkaz was closed off to detain Colonel Kozonov.
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