Chief editor of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ accuses Druz of bribery and swindling
Aleksander Druz
Chief editor of a TV-show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ Ilya Ber states the guru of the TV-show Aleksander Druz had offered him a part of the winnings, if he is let to receive the show’s ultimate prize - 3 million rubles ($45.7 thousand).
In Ber’s words, it is about an episode that was being shot on November 23. Aleksander Druz and Viktor Sidnev took part in it. It was aired in December, 2018.
“The day before the shooting, Aleksander Druz tried to bribe me. He offered me a part of the winnings, if he is let to receive the show’s ultimate prize - 3 million rubles,” Ber writes.
In particular, Druz allegedly offered the chief editor to let him into questions that were going to be put forth during the TV-show. Ber notes he had got the conversation on tape. In his words, he intentionally left the ‘spilled’ question for the show in order to subsequently call the bluff of the guru and prove there had been swindling.
“I had to have hard evidence of the fact that the person is capable of - just as if nothing had happened - playing for money while being aware of all the questions in advance,” Ber notes.
Druz was answering correctly, but when it came to the 15th and the last question, he got confused and answered wrongly. As a result, the TV-show’s contestants took 200 thousand rubles ($304) they had chosen as a safety net.
Aleksander Druz has not commented upon Ber’s allegations yet.
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